I believe that Justice would have to win a medal for the FASTEST crawler ever, my goodness that boy can move!! I felt soooo comfortable with Tess and was so grateful for her mum Sharon's help in getting Justice's attention, she also captured our "behind the scenes" images.
"It's not often you get to see what the whole scene looks like, so here you go, there I am, getting down and dirty with the best. Justice beat me at the crawling race."
"I love this little "man made" creek, I knew I wanted to photograph in here, but was a little worried about Justice near the water, so a nice sitting-holding shot gave this result below"

"With Justice not quite walking, he stands and holds very well, I loved this scene for the colours and textures of the concrete wall, also providing him with "something to hold onto", I hope you like it too!!"
Thanks Tess, Justice and Sharon for such a beautiful relaxing afternoon by the river, can't wait till the next time we meet..... ♥
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